Un molde de fundición del castro/oppidum de Alto de San Pedro (Pinilla Trasmonte, Burgos, España

  1. Ignacio Ruiz Vélez
  2. Jesús García Sánchez
  3. Francés Negro, Marta
Vaccea Anuario

ISSN: 2659-7179 2659-7187

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 16

Pages: 91-98

Type: Article

More publications in: Vaccea Anuario


This paper presents a mold found in the exavations of the oppidum from Alto de San Pedro, located at the municiality of Pinilla Trasmonte (Burgos). The site is identified as the celtiberic mint of Sekobirikes. The object hereby is a half of a bivalve mold used to produce in metal a zenithal zoomorphological perspective. This motif is well known among the Vaccean and Celtiberian people.