Expresiones estético-creativas de jóvenes en riesgo de exclusión y sus emociones en la era poscovid-19

  1. Martha Lucía Orozco Gómez 1
  2. María Sanz Leal 1
  3. Ángel Llorente Villasante 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Burgos

    Universidad de Burgos

    Burgos, España

    ROR https://ror.org/049da5t36

Innovación y retos de la educación superior: Propuestas pospandémicas
  1. Eufrasio Pérez Navío (coord.)
  2. Blas Campos Barrionuevo (coord.)

Verlag: Octaedro

ISBN: 9788419900074

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Seiten: 173-191

Art: Buch-Kapitel


The study is part of the project: «Reinvention of everyday life: emotions narrated by young people in times of social distancing by covid-19», an international project with the participation of different countries in Latin America and Europe. The participants are young people between 18 and 25 years old, registered in the employment programme «Somos Go. A generation of opportunities» employment programme of the Spanish Red Cross. The overall objective of the project was to unveil the reinvention of everyday life in emotions narrated by young people in times of social distancing by COVID-19. Qualitative methodology (action-research) was used, focusing on narratives and aesthetic-creative mediations. The communicative and dialogic processes based on the aesthetic-creative mediations adopted are a source of understanding, but they can also be articulated to formative processes to understand and generate knowledge that enable transformations and changes. The young participants in the project had the opportunity to create their own products as a result of the emotions expressed. The products obtained in this case were: a rap, a video documentary, and a podcast. To achieve this result, horizontal communication was established, establishing bonds of trust and mutual respect, as well as recognition of the differences and diversity of social subjects.In the analysis of these products, reflections on the importance of the family, social relations, and the influence of the media on the moods of the young participants can be seen. The suitability of participatory action research to work on issues related to emotions and the development of personal competences is reflected in the conclusions.