Estudio de modificadores ambientales epigenéticos asociados a la progresión de la Enfermedad de Huntington, y su relación con la apatíaAplicaciones socioeducativas prácticas para la terapia ocupacional
- Esther Cubo Delgado Doktormutter
- Jerónimo González Bernal Doktorvater
- Josefa González Santos Doktormutter
Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Burgos
Fecha de defensa: 11 von Januar von 2023
Art: Dissertation
This PhD entitled "Study of epigenetic environmental modifiers associated with the progression of Huntington's disease, and its relationship with apathy. Practical applications for occupational therapy", is a compendium of publications. Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease, characterised by the progression of motor symptoms, cognitive impairment and the appearance of neuropsychiatric symptoms. The clinical course of this disease has an insidious onset in adulthood, usually around the age of 40, with a diagnostic course of 15-20 years until death. It should be pointed out that people do not die as a direct consequence of HD, but from underlying medical problems. Different factors, such as physical activity, sleep and diet, are known to influence the progression of the disease. Therefore, the main objective is to assess the influence of environmental modifiers on intrinsic factors in HD progression and their relationship with apathy.