Derecho de la persona, neurodatos y neuroderechosa research agenda

  1. Elena Vicente Domingo
  2. Teresa Rodríguez Cachón
Revista general de legislación y jurisprudencia

ISSN: 0210-8518

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 3

Pages: 495-526

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista general de legislación y jurisprudencia


The dizzying speed of current technological changes confronts us with our own limits as human beings and puts our dignity in the face of hitherto unknown risks. From a legal perspective, we face a very particular challenge: the definition and possible recognition of new conceptual categories created to give legal shelter to the realities born of neurotechnology, such as neurodata or neurorights. We understand that the essential legal core that is affected by the development of neurotechnology is made up of «Personhood Right»: the right to personal and family intimacy and privacy; data protection; informed consent; damage to health and physical integrity; consumer protection and specific guarantees to meet the needs of minors and people with disabilities. In this paper, we establish the guidelines of a research agenda that could guide legal research in the coming years in the new field of study that has been created from the intersection between neuroscience and Law. The relevance of this research agenda goes beyond the scientific and technological level, since it is projected into the need to provide ourselves as a society with an ethical and legal apparatus that prevents the causing of irreversible damage in the physical and emotional sphere of people or in brain privacy, both now and in the future.

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