Educational Strategies in Cultural Landscapes. Are we complying with the Faro Convention?
- Zubiaurre, Elena 6
- Bele, Bolette 1
- Simon, Véronique Karine 2
- Reher, Guillermo S. 5
- Rodríguez, Ana Delia 3
- Alonso, Rodrigo 7
- Castiglioni, Benedetta 4
- 1 Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research/Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi—NIBIO, Trondheim, Norway
- 2 Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research/Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning—NIKU, Oslo, Norway
- 3 Colegio Madres Concepcionistas, Burgos, Spain
University of Padua
Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana
Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana
Burgos, España
ISSN: 2452-1051
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 3
Issue: 3
Pages: 11-25
Type: Article
More publications in: Journal of European Landscapes
The Faro Convention underlined the importance of educational initiatives related to heritage. This paper focuses on the educational dimension of landscape, as a means to better facilitate its social acceptance and hence its inclusion in planning and management processes. The relation between landscape education and social perception, through a few European examples will be analysed to ascertain whether the principles of the Convention are being complied with effectively.The authors introduce four case studies of heritage-related education carried out in three European countries (Spain, Norway and Italy). These case studies provide the possibility to coherently analyse a wide range of activities and initiatives occurring at various scales and levels: geographic, local and sectoral. In addition, they describe the pedagogical potential of cultural landscapes and cultural heritage, and highlight some of the educational strategies and measures currently used in this field.
Funding information
Research Councils UK
- AH/L503976/1
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