Programa de apoyo a los estudiantes en situación de riesgo académico

  1. René Jesús Payo Hernanz
  2. M. Camino Escolar Llamazares

Verlag: Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual AEPC

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Seiten: 167-173

Kongress: FECIES. Foro sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación Superior y de la Investigación (13. 2016. Granada)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


Antecedents: Incorporation into the university involves significant changes in patterns of academic and relational behavior of students, requiring an adaptive effort and appropriate coping strategies. One of the main problems encountered is the abandonment of university studies, especially in the first two years. In this sense, the university must put the procedures and resources needed to build resilience in students who are in a situation of academic risk. Objectives: Present the support program students in academic risk situation that the University of Burgos will implement during the academic year 2016-2017, within the Tutorial Action Plan (PAT). Method: A description of the program is performed based on the objectives, definition of student academic risk situation, key for detection, establishment of the first contact, services offered to students, services involved in the program and schedule. Conclusions: This program promises a high extent because includes among its activities actions aimed at strengthening weaknesses of students, order to achieve improved university adaptation, such as, interest and motivation for their studies, study strategies and psychological strength, among others.