Los mudéjares en los oficios de la construcción en el Reino de Castilla a finales de la Edad MediaÁvila, Valladolid y Burgos (1412-1502)

  1. Araus Ballesteros, Luis
Dirigida per:
  1. René Jesús Payo Hernanz Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Burgos

Fecha de defensa: 14 de de desembre de 2023


Tipus: Tesi


The presence of Muslim groups is one of the distinctive features of late medieval Iberian societies within European Christendom as a whole. These Muslims, known as Mudejars in the literature, while distinguished by their religion, participated actively in the Castilian economy. One of the sectors in which their presence was most pronounced was the construction industry. This paper analyses the participation of Mudejars in the construction sector in the Crown of Castile during the 15th century. The research focuses on the Muslim communities in the cities of Ávila, Valladolid and Burgos. These three population centres were among the most important in the Crown of Castile and they had Islamic population groups with different characteristics. The research focuses on the period from 1412 to 1502. The first of these dates saw the promulgation of the Ordinance of Valladolid, which to a large extent set the tone for Castilian legislation on religious minorities for the rest of the century. Finally, the practice of Islam was banned in Castile in 1502, and most Mudejars were baptised, bringing about a major change in their lives.