En tierra hostil: mujeres fotoperiodistas en España ante el terrorismo y el conflicto armado

  1. Peralta Barrios, María Jesús
Supervised by:
  1. María Isabel Menéndez Menéndez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Burgos

Fecha de defensa: 07 September 2023


Type: Thesis


The research has brought together the work of eight photojournalists women who have shown a high capacity to report from the most hostile places, taking amazing and powerful pictures. The survey has divided women in two groups. The first group, brings out only photographers from the Basque Country who worked at local media taking pictures about causes and consequences of the terrorist conflict from the 1980s until the dissolution of ETA: Maite Bartolomé, Isabel Knörr, Marisol Ramírez and Josune Martínez de Albéniz. In the second part of the research, we will get to know in detail the work of other four Spanish women photojournalists of war reporting: Sandra Balsells, Judith Prat, Maysun Abu-Khdeir and Natalia Sancha. The compilation of biographical, curricular, career data and a small sample of their work, make up a new narrative whose primary objetive is contribute to the visualization of women photojournalists in Spain.