2032: freeing the European Union from asbestos = 2032: erradicar el amianto en la Unión Europea
- Romero Barriuso, Álvaro
- Villena Escribano, Blasa María
- González García, María de las Nieves
- Segarra Cañamares, María
- Rodríguez Sáiz, Ángel
Argitaletxea: E.T.S. de Edificación (UPM)
Argitalpen urtea: 2018
Mota: Biltzar ekarpena
As part of the International Programme on Chemical Safety accomplished by the World Health Organization (WHO), asbestos is considered one of the ten chemicals of major public health concern. The European Union (EU) has launched an action plan in order to eradicate asbestos throughout its territory, by the Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee. With this move, EU tries to define asbestos ́ expiration date and to set this date for the year 2032.
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