Departamento: QUIMICA

Centro académico: FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS

Unidad de Investigación: UNIDAD DE INVESTIGACION CONSOLIDADA 136- Análisis instrumental

Programa de doctorado: Química Avanzada (UBU)

Programa de doctorado: Electroquímica. Ciencia y Tecnología (Interuniversitario)

Área: Química Analítica

Grupo de investigación: Análisis Instrumental


Doctor por la Universidad de Burgos con la tesis Procesos espectroelectroquímicos a potencial controlado. Desarrollo, validación y análisis de un modelo de simulación digital 2001. Dirigida por Dr/a. Jesús López Palacios.

Bsc from the University of Valladolid and PhD from the University of Burgos (UBU). FPU Scholar in 1995. Full-time Profesor Asociado in 1996. Since then, he has been working at the UBU, being Professor in 2021. His research has been focused on Spectroelectrochemistry (SEC) since 1994 when he started working with Prof. Jesús López-Palacios, when the Instrumental Analysis group was created. Currently, he is the leader of the Instrumental Analysis group ( His group is at the forefront of the development of SEC techniques and devices. The big difference with other groups that uses SEC is that his group always uses this technique with high temporal resolution. He has developed Bidimensional SEC, Three-dimensional SEC, SEC at L/L interfaces, Bipolar SEC, Spatial Scanning SEC, SEC in screen-printed electrodes, low-resolution Raman SEC, time-resolved Raman SEC, simultaneous Raman and UV/Vis SEC, simultaneous Raman and photoluminiscence SEC, simultaneous SECM and UV/Vis SEC. Usually, these techniques have been designed to solve problems of collaborators. The technology developed in Burgos has been transferred to commercial companies in order to facilitate the use of the SEC by other researchers. As a culmination of 20 years of work in SEC, in 2014 his group developed in collaboration with Metrohm Dropsens S.L. the first worldwide commercial compact and integrated SEC UV/Vis instrument, and during the year 2017 they developed the first worldwide compact commercial SEC Raman instrument. In 2018, the group discovered EC-SOERS, a phenomenon of amplification of the Raman signal during the electrochemical oxidation of silver. The group collaborates with high level national and international groups SEC techniques developed in Burgos have been successfully used in the study of very different chemical systems such as complexes, conductive polymers, metallic nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, graphene, hybrid materials, molecules of biological interest, etc. SEC has reached a state of maturity that will promote its use in analysis, in the study of many chemical systems and surely, it will be a common tool in many laboratories in the near future.