Publicaciones en las que colabora con Nuria García García (26)


  1. Dogs from the past: Exploring morphology in mandibles from Iberian archaeological sites using 3D geometric morphometrics

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 57

  2. How the Sima de los Huesos was won

    Anatomical Record, Vol. 307, Núm. 7, pp. 2225-2245

  3. Taphonomic skeletal disturbances in the Sima de los Huesos postcranial remains

    Anatomical Record, Vol. 307, Núm. 7, pp. 2437-2450


  1. Ancient DNA reveals past existence of Eurasian lynx in Spain

    Journal of Zoology, Vol. 298, Núm. 2, pp. 94-102


  1. Ancient DNA evidence of Iberian lynx palaeoendemism

    Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 112, pp. 172-180

  2. Postcranial morphology of the middle Pleistocene humans from Sima de los Huesos, Spain

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 112, Núm. 37, pp. 11524-11529


  1. Endocranial traits of the Sima de los Huesos (Atapuerca, Spain) and Petralona (Chalkidiki, Greece) Middle Pleistocene ursids. Phylogenetic and biochronological implications

    Annales de Paleontologie, Vol. 100, Núm. 4, pp. 297-309

  2. Los yacimientos arqueológicos de la Sierra de Atapuerca: Gran Dolina, Galería, Sima del Elefante, Sima de los Huesos, Portalón y Cueva de El Mirador

    Los cazadores recolectores del Pleistoceno y del Holoceno en Iberia y el estrecho de Gibraltar: estado actual del conocimiento del registro arqueológico (Universidad de Burgos), pp. 534-560

  3. Neandertal roots: Cranial and chronological evidence from Sima de los Huesos

    Science, Vol. 344, Núm. 6190, pp. 1358-1363

  4. Sierra de Atapuerca archaeological sites

    Pleistocene and Holocene hunter-gatherers in Iberia and the Gibraltar strait: the current archaeological record (Servicio de Publicaciones), pp. 534-560


  1. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of a Middle Pleistocene cave bear reconstructed from ultrashort DNA fragments

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 110, Núm. 39, pp. 15758-15763


  1. 50,000 years of genetic uniformity in the critically endangered Iberian lynx

    Molecular Ecology, Vol. 20, Núm. 18, pp. 3785-3795

  2. One million years of cultural evolution in a stable environment at Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain)

    Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 30, Núm. 11-12, pp. 1396-1412


  1. Surprising migration and population size dynamics in ancient Iberian brown bears (Ursus arctos)

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 105, Núm. 13, pp. 5123-5128

  2. The first hominin of Europe

    Nature, Vol. 452, Núm. 7186, pp. 465-469