Aportaciones congreso (22) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. A Framework for Educational and Training Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  2. A Hybrid One-Class Topology for Non-convex Sets

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  3. AI-driven Visualizations for Performance Monitoring and Anomaly Detection in Robots

    Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA

  4. Comunicar ciencia de manera distendida: cerveza con ciencia

    La divulgación del conocimiento evoluciona. [Recurso electrónico]: actas del VII Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia

  5. Considering user experience parameters in the evaluation of vr serious games

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  6. Container demand forecasting at border posts of ports: A hybrid SARIMA-SOM-SVR approach

    Communications in Computer and Information Science

  7. Contar las matemáticas en imágenes: proceso creativo y flujo de producción de la serie de vídeos "Loco de re mates"

    La divulgación del conocimiento evoluciona. [Recurso electrónico]: actas del VII Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia

  8. Data Selection to Improve Anomaly Detection in a Component-Based Robot

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

  9. Detecting Performance Anomalies in the Multi-component Software a Collaborative Robot

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  10. La realidad virtual: un nuevo medio de divulgación científica

    La divulgación del conocimiento evoluciona. [Recurso electrónico]: actas del VII Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia

  11. Learning variables structure using evolutionary algorithms to improve predictive performance

    Communications in Computer and Information Science

  12. Neuro-Evolutionary Feature Selection to Detect Android Malware

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

  13. One-Class Classification to Predict the Success of Private-Participation Infrastructure Projects in Europe

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

  14. Overview of three dimensional (3D) integral imaging (InIm) based human gesture recognition under degraded environments

    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

  15. Prediction of Small-Wind Turbine Performance from Time Series Modelling Using Intelligent Techniques

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  16. Prediction of Small-Wind Turbine Performance from Time Series Modelling Using Intelligent Techniques

    Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2020. 21st International Conference: Guimarães, Portugal; November 4–6, 2020. Proceedings

  17. Síntesis

    La divulgación del conocimiento evoluciona. [Recurso electrónico]: actas del VII Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia

  18. Towards the modelling of the concentrated state of learners. An intra-subject modelling approach

    Modelling and Simulation 2020 - The European Simulation and Modelling Conference, ESM 2020

  19. Virtual learning environment: an optimal tool for language teacher training internship.. The vir-teach project as a case study

    EDULEARN20 Proceedings

  20. Volume Conduction Effects on Connectivity Metrics: Application of Network Parameters to Characterize Alzheimer's Disease Continuum

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS