Tratamiento de aguas residuales de matadero con elevado contenido en sangre mediante combinación de sistemasanaerobio de película fija (BAPF) y aerobio de membrana (MBR)

  1. Espinosa Antón, Juan José
Dirigée par:
  1. Victorino Díez Blanco Directeur
  2. Gonzalo Salazar Mardones Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de Burgos

Fecha de defensa: 13 septembre 2011

  1. Fernando Fernández-Polanco President
  2. José Luis Cabezas Juan Secrétaire
  3. Juan M. Garrido Fernández Rapporteur
  4. María del Mar Peña Miranda Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 316703 DIALNET lock_openRIUBU editor


The liquid nature of blood, joined to his low valuation as by-product, causes that, in major or minor measure, it ends up forming part of the slaughterhouse wastewater, increasing its pollutant load, which makes difficult and increases cost of its treatment by means of the conventional processes habitually implanted in this industry. In addition, the increasing requirements in the quality of effluent, specially regarding the elimination of nutrients, do more necessary the employment of advanced technologies of treatment. In this work, a viability study to pilot scale is effected, in order to optimize the necessary treatment from a technical - economical point of view, by means of the combination of the anaerobic biotechnology and the advanced treatment in membrane biological reactors. For it, there are evaluated the principal limitations of both technologies, as the inhibition of the anaerobic process for the ammonia nitrogen liberates in the degradation of the proteins, as well as the fouling of the membranes.