Autopercepción del conocimiento en educación superior

  1. Sáiz Manzanares, María Consuelo
  2. Payo Hernanz, René Jesús
Revista iberoamericana de psicología y salud

ISSN: 2171-2069

Datum der Publikation: 2012

Ausgabe: 3

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 159-174

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista iberoamericana de psicología y salud


The present study aimed at identifying the self-perception about knowledge in university students (pre-post instruction) and analysing the relation between self-perception of knowledge in students and the professor's assessment. The sample was comprised of 102 students of whom 70 were in the 2nd year of the degree of Early Childhood Education -subject Systematic Assessment- and 32 were Audiovisual Communication degree students -Subject Art-. For these goals, a pre-post quasi-experimental design and a descriptive-correlational design were respectively used. As to the first aim, meaningful differences in knowledge pre-post instruction were found, but as to the second one, a few significant correlations were only found between self-knowledge and the professor's assessment in some of the units of the subject of Art, but not in the subject of Systematic Assessment. It is, therefore, necessary to improve the processes of self-perception of knowledge in Higher Education to promote safer and more successful learning.

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