Algunas consideraciones históricas, epistemológicas y didácticas para el abordaje de la teoría de la relatividad especial en el nivel medio y polimodal
- Irene Arriassecq
- Ileana María Greca
ISSN: 1980-850X
Year of publication: 2002
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Pages: 55-69
Type: Article
More publications in: Ciencia & Educação
A series of considerations, emergent of recent contributions of the History of the Science, the Philosophy of the Science and the Didactics of the Sciences, important for the introduction of the Special Theory of the Relativity (TER) in the secondary education are presented in this report. Considering that the relevant aspects of this subject should be attended in the used textbooks, our proposed axes can serve as base for the analysis of the didactic works that approach the topic of the special theory of the Relativity (TER). With this work we hope to make a contribution for teachers, contextualizing the TER from the historical, epistemological and didactic point of view.
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