Comunicación intra-familiar y cáncer de mama

  1. María Fernández Hawrylak 1
  2. Lucía Hernández Maíllo 2
  3. Inmaculada Martínez García 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Burgos, Facultad de Educación
  2. 2 Asociación Española contra el Cáncer de Burgos
Psicooncología: investigación y clínica biopsicosocial en oncología

ISSN: 1696-7240

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 15

Issue: 1

Pages: 103-118

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/PSIC.59180 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Psicooncología: investigación y clínica biopsicosocial en oncología

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Introduction: Breast cancer is the malignant tumour which affects more women. A diagnosis that includes the word ‘cancer’ has a negative connotation. This disease impacts on the family dynamics, and communication is one of the dimensions which are frequently studied in the intervention with families. Objective: The aim of this research is to analyse the communication between a mother and her children, husband or partner, developed after a breast cancer diagnosis. Method: A mixed method research design was used. The sample was composed of twelve women diagnosed with breast cancer, aged between 43 and 55. The instruments used in this study were the Family Communication Scale (FCS) and a semi-structured interview. Results: The outcomes show that intra-family communication varies according to the age of the children, being lower when they are under 15 years old. Conclusions: Effective communication in the family is not the cure for any disease, but it improves the way the family as a whole deals with it and it contributes to eliminate stress situations and discomfort in the woman.

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