Calidad de vidaevaluación y trastornos del espectro del autismo

  1. Cuesta Gómez, José Luis
  2. Grau Rubio, Claudia
  3. Fernández-Hawrylak, María
Revista Iberoamericana de Educación

ISSN: 1681-5653 1022-6508

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 63

Issue: 1

Pages: 161-179

Type: Article

DOI: 10.35362/RIE630563 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista Iberoamericana de Educación

Sustainable development goals


In this article the conclusions of the investigation "path towards the participation" appear, developed by the Burgos Autism Association, analyzing the results of the application of four instruments to evaluate the quality of life in a sample of twenty-four persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder (TEA in Spanish). The results obtained reflect the difficulties of these instruments to measure the quality of life of the persons with TEA, limitations that lead us to construct a guide of quality indicators of life, in collaboration with the parents of the Association. The guide was carried out through a focused group with thirteen parents, directed by two professionals of the Association. The result presents a set of indicators, personnels as of the family, grouped in eight dimensions: physical well-being, emotional well-being, material well-being, interpersonal relations, personal development, social incorporation, self-determination and rights.

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