El Blog como Instrumento de Mejora para la Autorregulación del Aprendizaje del Estudiante Universitario

  1. Vanesa Delgado
  2. David Hortigüela
  3. Vanesa Ausín
  4. Víctor Abella
Estudios pedagógicos

ISSN: 0716-050X 0718-0705

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 44

Issue: 2

Pages: 171-184

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4067/S0718-07052018000200171 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: Estudios pedagógicos

Sustainable development goals


ABSTRACT: Self-regulated learning is a determining factor in the academic performance of university students, and the use of ICT and formative assessment contributes to the development of this type of learning. This study presents an experiment carried out with students in the Early Childhood Education degree program (n = 63) who, through the use of the blog as an instrument of self-regulation of learning, enhanced the development of their reflective thinking. A rubric, designed and validated through the input of experts, was used to monitor and assess the students. Upon completing the experience, part of the A-SRL-S instrument was administered to the participating students to measure self-regulation in learning. The average qualification obtained was high. On the other hand, there were no major differences between the factors analyzed in the A-SRL-S, highlighting the level of accordance in terms of external assessment for the purpose of improvement.

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