Las grabaciones y los videotutoriales como recurso para evidenciar el aprendizaje

  1. Pérez Pueyo, Ángel
  2. Hortigüela Alcalá, David
I Jornadas de Buenas Prácticas en Evaluación Formativa en Docencia Universitaria: (actas de las jornadas) : 7, 8 y 9 de septiembre de 2016 Universidad de León
  1. Pérez Pueyo, Ángel (coord.)
  2. Díez Fernández, Ángeles (coord.)
  3. Gutiérrez García, Carlos (coord.)
  4. Hortigüela Alcalá, David (coord.)

Publisher: Universidad de León

ISBN: 978-84-9773-848-4

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 392-410

Congress: Jornadas de Buenas Prácticas en Evaluación Formativa en Docencia Universitaria (1. 2016. León)

Type: Conference paper


The acquisition of competences of university students requires constant mentoring between teacher and student and practical tasks from a multidisciplinary approach. In this sense, the use of different formative digital tools in the classroom becomes key. This experience has two lines of development and integration. On the one hand, the processes of formative assessment and the instruments associated. On the other hand, the use of educational video tutorials for checking the acquisition of student learning and its transfer to the professional field. The objectives are: a) improve the presentation and form of delivery of student productions, b) improve the quality of feedback provided to students, c) optimize the time spent correcting their productions by teachers d) improve and facilitate the qualification and, e) increase the motivation of the students involved. For this we have used the methodology called Attitudinal Style, an emerging pedagogical model that, combined with the processes of formative assessment, has shown results of real interest.