Pasado, presente y futuro de la protección del patrimonio monumentalanálisis, evaluación, previsiones y propuestas de mejora a partir de las declaraciones en Castilla y León

Supervised by:
  1. René Jesús Payo Hernanz Director

Defence university: Universidad de Burgos

Fecha de defensa: 03 May 2018

  1. Cristina Borreguero Beltrán Chair
  2. José Matesanz del Barrio Secretary
  3. Bárbara Mancuso Committee member
  4. María Dolores Teijeira Pablos Committee member
  5. Ricardo Fernández Gracia Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 551457 DIALNET lock_openRIUBU editor


At the dawn of the Contemporary Age, the concept of Heritage was developed, based on the selection of certain manifestations of the past. Its aim is to legitimize power, to strengthen the identity of a collective in order to reaffirm the feeling of belonging and to give a sense of the past that conveys security in the present in order to face a future that is uncertain. In order to preserve this evidence of the past, different measures have been taken, including the declaration of monuments, later extended and included in the term Cultural Heritage Property. This thesis establishes as a milestone such declarations and presents a general vision of the protection of the Heritage in Castilla y León, being the object of study of this research the Cultural Heritage Property with category of monument, due to the fact that this category is the most represented and representative. The choice of topic and the conduct of this research are justified by the dispersion of knowledge, the importance given to this discipline at present and the need to advance in studies of a global nature of Heritage in this geographical framework. The main objectives are: to examine key aspects for the understanding of Heritage protection, to evaluate the process of protection and to present the protocols to face the future of the safeguarding of immovable heritage in the region, since the retrospective study from the 19th century to the present day allows us to look to the near future. The analysis and evaluation of the work carried out so far makes it possible to establish predictions and proposals for future improvements, as well as to open up new lines of research. It also proposes and applies a methodology that can be extrapolated to tangible Heritage research.