Aplicación educativa de Twitter en la formación inicial del profesorado
Publisher: Grup de recerca sobre Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació en Educació ; Universitat de Girona = Universidad de Gerona
ISBN: 978-84-8458-409-4
Year of publication: 2012
Congress: Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa (20. 2012. Girona)
Type: Conference paper
Twitter is one of the latest Web 2.0 approaches tools, with great support from educational institutions during recent years. Among its features highlights an online comunication, 140- character limitation, and the freedom to decide who are you following and be followed by. This communication shows a Twitter experience based on the use of Twitter by students of the Degree in K-12 Education from University of Burgos. A first approach to the educative potential of Twitter in Higher Education was obtained. We concluded that Twitter has became a key tool to improve interaction and to encourage education in an informal way.
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