Necesidades energéticas, hídricas y nutricionales en el deporte

  1. Martínez Sanz, José Miguel
  2. Urdampilleta Otegui, Aritz
  3. Mielgo Ayuso, Juan
European Journal of Human Movement

ISSN: 0214-0071 2386-4095

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 30

Pages: 37-52

Type: Article

More publications in: European Journal of Human Movement


Food of the athlete must be according to the nutritional needs by age, sex, health condition to meet the requirements of energy, macronutrients, vitamins, minerals and water to carry out sports activities preserving health, and achieving optimal athletic performance. A literature review in Medline, SPORTDiscus, Science Dierct, SCIRUS, SCIELO, academic google and snowball strategy. We used sport AND energy needs AND water needs AND nutritional needs as equation search in English and Spanish. The article provides current knowledge about energy and nutritional needs of the athlete to contribute to the acquisition and maintenance of suitable conditions to achieve weight and body composition compatible with good health and sports performance, enhance adaptation and recovery after exercise, by the maintenance of energy balance, and providing all the necessary nutrients, whereas those that help the immune system and hydration before, during and after each training session and competition.

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