Programa de doctorado: Ciencias de la Salud (UBU)

Área: Fisiología

Grupo de investigación: Investigación Avanzada en Fisiología Integrativa para la Vida

Formó parte de estos grupos:


Doctor/a por la Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea con la tesis Análisis nutricional y su relación con el estrés psico-físico y el daño muscular en jugadoras profesionales de voleibol a lo largo de una temporada 2013. Dirigida por Dr/a. Jesús Seco Calvo.

Total publications: 138 in WOS (119 in JCR – 61 (Q1), 37 (Q2); 65/127 as first, last, or corresponding author Total Times Cited: 2021 (WOS) H-Index: 26 (WOS) Books and chapters: 15 books (national), 1 book (International) and 14 chapters. Patents: 1 (International) and 1 (Nacional) Number of doctoral theses directed: 7 Participation in competitive projects: 3 international, 5 national and 2 autonomous. Participation in non-competitive projects: 12 projects (6 as IP) Research Awards: 10 Research Awards Stays in Research Centers: 3 national stays (18 months) Postgraduate Scholarships: 2 postdoctoral scholarships and 1 competitive research contracts Presentation of invited talks, oral communications, or posters: 16 invited talks (1 International), 38 oral communications (19 International), and 45 posters (20 international) Conferences Organization: 6 national Diploma (1996) and later a degree (2011) in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Navarra, and a PhD in the Biomedical Research program from the University of the Basque Country (2013). During my doctoral studies, I gained experience in the field of nutrition and muscle recovery, which culminated in the defense of my thesis "Nutritional analysis and its relationship with psycho-physical stress and muscle damage in professional female volleyball players throughout a season." I completed a 12-month postdoctoral stay at the Department of Health and Human Performance at UPM (2014), and in 2015, I obtained a one-year contract as a Junior Researcher collaborating actively in different projects of the Imfine group, led by Professor Marcela González Gross. One of these projects was the HELENA project: Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence, a study of great international relevance that aimed to develop innovative methods to assess the lifestyle habits of adolescents in Europe, evaluate dietary and physical activity patterns, investigate attitudes toward nutrition and physical activity, identify adolescents at risk, and develop educational programs and healthy foods. I also worked on other large national and international projects such as the ANIBES project or the PREDIMED project, which allowed me to make great national and international contacts, manage large numbers of participants, and analyze large databases. In parallel with this contract and until I obtained the position of assistant professor in the Physiology area of UVA, I continued to explore topics related to muscle recovery in athletes. It was in 2019 when the knowledge learned in this group was extrapolated to the older population with sarcopenia when I conducted a 3-month research stay at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche in the project “Modulation of sarcopenia through physical activity and supplementation with citrulline and sodium nitrate in veteran athletes.” In this study, we determined the effect of 10 weeks of citrulline and sodium nitrate supplementation on the modulation of sarcopenia in physically active people, which is very similar to the study presented in the current call. Since 2020, as an assistant professor at UBU, I have been combining research on muscle recovery in athletes, through several articles 83 with sports clubs and entities, with muscle recovery and quality of life in different groups, which is the main focus of the group with which I joined the university. Currently, I am a Full Professor of Physiology at UBU and Secretary of SEÑ.