Motivación en la adolescencia y el acompañamiento para la autodeterminaciónuna revisión sistematizada
- Abel Merino Orozco 1
- Alfredo Berbegal Vázquez 1
- Ana Arraiz Pérez 1
- Fernando Sabirón Sierra 1
Universidad de Zaragoza
ISSN: 1851-8893
Year of publication: 2021
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Type: Article
More publications in: Orientación y sociedad
Adolescence is a life stage characterized by change and the transition to adulthood. Multidisciplinary approaches have focused their interest in adolescence due to its endemic and generational characteristics. The adolescent's motivation to develop self-determined action plans emerges as a cornerstone in the construction of its identity and its lifeprojection. A systematized review research design is applied, which is developed from two objectives: to understand the phenomenon of motivation in adolescence and the different approaches that have been taken to promote their self-determination, and to optimize opportunities for accompaniment in the construction of life projects. The premises of the PRISMA statement are considered to analyze twenty articles, whose results highlight the interest in supporting adolescent autonomy, the satisfaction of their psychological needs for their subjective well-being, whichis structured from the sense of authenticity, and decision making from self-regulation and the influence of the environment. Academic performance emerges as a systemic key of interest that contextualizes and affects life projects. The practical applicationsfocus on early adolescence and take into account the need to promote competencies for self-regulation and internalization of adolescent motivation. Psychological support for self-determination requires empathy with the adolescent, their situations, and prescribes a constructive evaluation of their experiences.
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