Desafío doblevirtualización de una asignatura teórico-práctica en el marco de la pandemia Covid-19 con estudiantes con Síndrome de Asperger

  1. Guido Fernández Marinone
  2. Romina Gaudin
  3. María Beatriz Nuñez
  4. Juan Manuel Pérez Iglesias
Revista Argentina de Educación Superior: RAES

ISSN: 1852-8171

Année de publication: 2021

Número: 23

Pages: 96-106

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista Argentina de Educación Superior: RAES


One of the components that most influences the advancement and progress of a people is education. In addition to providing knowledge, it also enriches culture, spirit, values and everything that identifies us as human beings. Faced with extreme situations, such as a pandemic, education must be a fundamental tool to maintain the development of societies. In this process it is essential to include people with disabilities, sometimes it requires greater efforts on the part of students and teachers, added to the challenge of the remote modality. In this sense, the objective of this work was to search for different types of virtual tools to achieve the convenient inclusion of all students. Within the course there were two students with Asperger's Syndrome, for this reason, the appreciations of said students were taken into account and, in addition, a Special Education Specialist was consulted on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) taken. In conclusion, we highlight the adjustments made to achieve the objectives in our students of the subject "General Biology".