Detección de necesidades y competencia emprendedora en tiempos de pandemiaadaptación a la formación en danza online

  1. Ollora Triana, Natalia 1
  2. de la Torre-Cruz, Tamara 2
  3. Escolar- Llamazares, M.ª del Camino 2
  4. Di Giusto-Valle, Cristina
  5. Luis Rico, M.ª Isabel
  6. Palmero Cámara, M.ª del Carmen 2
  7. Jiménez Eguizábal, Juan Alfredo 2
  1. 1 Facultad de Educación. Universidad de la Rioja.
  2. 2 Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Burgos.
Edetania: estudios y propuestas socio-educativas

ISSN: 0214-8560

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 60

Pages: 71-94

Type: Article

DOI: 10.46583/EDETANIA_2021.60.902 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Edetania: estudios y propuestas socio-educativas


During the worldwide confinement caused by COVID-19, the practice of rhythmic and dance activities in leisure time has increased and demand has been maintained throughout the pandemic period. In particular, the confinement has meant that these activities have been carried out in a non-face-to-face format and the continuous restrictions have forced the activity to be adapted to a mixed format. The aim of this research is to find out what aspects of entrepreneurial competence these professionals have implemented in order to successfully face this growth in the demand for activity. These dance professionals have had to adapt to a new practice format never before considered and overcome the crisis situation through the use of entrepreneurial competence, innovating and maintaining business occupation. The research is qualitative and the methodology of analysis aims to contribute to knowledge based on Grounded Theory constructed after systematically analysing interviews with entrepreneurs from various dance schools. The interviews are structured around six thematic blocks: socio-demographic aspects; business aspects; business spirit; entrepreneurship; personal skills and attributes and, finally, knowledge and aspects linked to the activity as a leisure practice. The ATLAS TI Cloud software was used for the analysis. The discussion of the results allows us to conclude that the entrepreneurs have found motivation in social commitment based on their personal sensitivity to face reality with determination. They have offered a new product by weighing up risks and identifying the new demand as an opportunity. Equally, they have undertaking ambitious projects that have resulted in a more equitable society and a new commitment to the practice of this activity.

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