Diagnóstico y propuesta de un plan de comunicación para la Universidad Católica de Cuenca (UCACUE), Ecuador

  1. Soto Alemán, Hernán Leonel
Supervised by:
  1. María Teresa García Nieto Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Year of defence: 2022

  1. María del Mar Chicharro Merayo Committee member

Type: Thesis


Universities have undergone essential changes in Ecuador in recent years. In this context, decisions emerged marked by government policies focused on the Organic Law of Higher Education (LOES-in Spanish). These guidelines tried to present the University as an organization at the service of the community. In this attempt to improve these institutions, the media and communication planning play a crucial role as diffusing agents. Although several inquiries have already been made and some scientific articles have been written about universities, so far, the strategic planning of communication to improve their relationship with those audiences who are part of Ecuadorian society has not been studied intensely. Therefore, this research responded to the university's uncertainties with these elements and primarily how communication should be managed in the University model proposed by the Ecuadorian system. This project proposed to diagnose the communication of the Universidad Católica de Cuenca (UCACUE-in Spanish). Then, based on this detected reality, develop a proposal for a communication plan that includes the most appropriate strategies and actions for the Ecuadorian university model...