El acompañamiento para la proyección académico-profesional desde la tutoría universitariaun análisis cualitativo desde la mirada docente.
- Merino Orozco , Abel
- Berbegal Vázquez, Alfredo 1
- Saez Velasco, Sara 2
- González García, Javier 2
Universidad de Zaragoza
Universidad de Burgos
ISSN: 2314-2138, 2314-1530
Year of publication: 2023
Issue Title: Debate Universitario - Agosto 2023
Volume: 13
Issue: 22
Pages: 9-24
Type: Article
More publications in: Debate Universitario CAEE-UAI
University tutoring attends to the academic, social, and personal needs of students. The pandemic situation has triggered interest in virtual tools to optimize student support. Currently, the new normalized framework questions us about the usefulness of the teaching strategies implemented for the development of the student’s academic and professional projection. The objective of this study is to know the potential of university tutoring in the adherence and accompaniment of the student throughout the study plan. A qualitative study is carried out in which two discussion groups are carried out with 11 university professors (seven women and four men) and a restitution session to consolidate the results. The results present four emerging categories: the reception, which is undertaken from the initial expectations; the identification of critical moments, which require intensified tutorial attention and the emergence of fraud and rumor; the academic-professional projection, which is consolidated from the identification of the student with a professionalizing ideal, and decision-making, which decisively considers the possibilities of the environment. The digital gap stands as one of the risks to consider.
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