Classification model for tourist loyalty towards inland destinationsa use case of a province in the north of Spain

  1. Paula Antón Maraña 1
  2. Julio César Puche Regaliza 1
  3. Santiago Aparicio Castillo 1
  4. Pablo Arranz Val 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Burgos

    Universidad de Burgos

    Burgos, España


Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

ISSN: 1645-9261

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 44

Pages: 137-162

Type: Article

DOI: 10.34624/RTD.V44I0.30651 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento


Nowadays, tourism plays an important role in the economy, and specially, in inland destinations the tourism sector is a relevant economic and social development source. Thus, identifying the key factors in the tourist offer of an inland destination can be decisive in a tourist's decision when revisiting said destination. For this, the work presents a classification model of the loyalty of tourists to the province of Burgos, Spain. This model, with an accuracy level of 86.23%, is a diagnostic and decision-making tool for the province's tourism activity. In addition, the factors: type of motivation in carrying out the trip, origin of the main expenses during the visit, overnight stay during the trip, travel planning organized by an agency and level of total expenses have been identified as keys to enhance loyalty of tourists, causing important implications for improving the tourism management in Burgos