Tutoría universitaria sostenible para promover competencias en estudiantes de educación

  1. Abel Merino Orozco 1
  2. Alfredo Berbegal Vázquez 2
  3. Sara Sáez Velasco 2
  4. Javier González García 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Burgos

    Universidad de Burgos

    Burgos, España

    ROR https://ror.org/049da5t36

  2. 2 Universidad de Zaragoza

    Universidad de Zaragoza

    Zaragoza, España

    ROR https://ror.org/012a91z28

III Congreso Internacional de Orientación Universitaria "Calibrando brújulas ante la incertidumbre" CIOU, 6-8 septiembre 2023, Madrid (España). Libro de resúmenes
  1. Mª Ángeles González Galán (coord.)
  2. Beatriz Malik Liévano (coord.)

Publisher: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

ISBN: 978-84-09-54023-5

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 104-105

Type: Conference paper


University tutoring allows for the needs of the student to be addressed, specificcompetencies to be mobilized, and evaluated based on their unique educational needs. Thecommitment of teachers to a guidance model centered on the personal, academic, and professionalneeds of the student is debated between institutional recognition and the pedagogical interestperceived in mobilizing learning. In this context, the teacher's involvement in performing the role of atutor who addresses dimensions such as student motivation is essential. This experience aims tounderstand the interpretative keys of teachers in the sustainable articulation of their universitytutoring among their roles, in order to outline a prospective optimization of their pedagogical potentialfor support. Method: A narrative design study is presented, which involves the analysis of two focusgroups and a field restitution session with the participation of 11 university teachers. Participation isvoluntary among the teachers who belong to the Faculty of Education at XXXX University. The narrativesof the informants focus on their core interests in the initial training of future educators through thesubjects they have taught, including internships and final degree projects. The sessions weretranscribed and categorized using Atlas.ti 9 software and were further validated in the field restitution.Results: The results, shared in the restitution, highlight four categories of analysis. Firstly, institutionalrecognition of academic tutoring is demanded, transcending a weekly consultation schedule orstandardized merit in teacher evaluation. The new university context and the possibility of planninghybrid tutoring (combining virtual and physical spaces) mediate its perceived usefulness foranticipating learning and monitoring it. In addition, the opportunity for the selection and promotion ofspecific and general competencies from the desirable parsimony and singularity of each subjectthroughout the curriculum is highlighted. Finally, adherence to self-regulated use of university tutoringis considered. It is concluded that university tutoring provides interesting insights into student training,but its success depends on institutional credibility and committed teacher involvement. Educationalpolicies that trigger inequalities among teachers can negatively affect tutoring and teacher motivation.Tutoring planning is relevant to address the specific needs of students and avoid teacher overload andburnout. The institutional emphasis on it could be relevant. The organization and prioritization in themobilization of competencies are crucial to optimize tutoring and the educational relationship withstudents. Therefore, coordination with university services and coherence among subjects within thesame curriculum can enrich the students' learning experience