Facultad/Centro de investigación: ESCUELA POLITECNICA SUPERIOR

Programa de Doctorado: Ingeniería y Tecnologías Industrial, Informática y Civil (UBU)

Àrea: Organització d'Empreses

Grup d'investigació: Ingeniería de Organización

Grup d'investigació: UNIDAD DE INVESTIGACIÓN CONSOLIDADA 358-Inteligencia artificial y sistemas complejos


Web personal:

Doctor per la Universidad de Burgos amb la tesi Evaluación integradora de políticas de agua modelado y simulación con sociedades artificiales de agentes 2007. Dirigida per Dr. Ricardo del Olmo Martínez, Dr/a. Adolfo López Paredes.

I graduated in Industrial Engineering at the Universidad de Valladolid in 2002. After finishing my studies, I joined the INSISOC research group, initially working in the FIRMA project of V EU Framework program and, afterwards, working on a project together with the SEI Oxford Office. I obtained a predoctoral research grant but after a year I moved to the Universidad de Burgos as an assistant lecturer, and since then I have been working there in different positions (with some visits to other places from time to time). From a methodological point of view, I began my research focusing on computational modelling and simulation, especially on agent-based modelling. I initially combined analytical approaches together with simulation and, more recently, I am also trying to understand the models using network theory and statistical learning. I love to work in interdisciplinary projects, and so far my main research domains have been management (especially project management), evolutionary game theory (cooperation theory) and, in the last years, quality and predictive modelling in industrial and management engineering.