PhD program: Ingeniería y Tecnologías Industrial, Informática y Civil (UBU)

PhD program: Ciencias de la Salud (UBU)

Area: Computer Languages and Systems

Research group: Advanced Data MIning Research And Business intelligence/Bioinformatics/Big data LEarning


Personal web:

César García-Osorio is MSc in Computer Engineering (1996) from the University of Valladolid (Spain) and PhD (2005) from the University of the West of Scotland (UK). Since 1996 he has been working at the University of Burgos (Spain). During this time he has participated in the teaching of different subjects: Office Automation, Information and Administrative Documentation I and II, Data Structures, Analysis and Software Engineering , Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence, Automata and Formal Languages, Language Processors, Computer Systems, Intelligent Systems, Web Design. He has tutored more than 30 final projects. Recently he has been an organizer and teacher of two courses about LaTeX for the Training Office of the University of Burgos, and also another two courses for Regional Ministry of Education of the Castilla y León Regional government, one about XML and the other about Python programming. He has received mobility grants for stays at the University of the West of Scotland in 2003, 2004 and 2005 and at Tsinghua University in 2007 (this university is ranked 48 worldwide, in 14 Asian universities and in the position number 1 of the QS BRICS ranking). His research interests include data visualization, machine learning, data mining and artificial intelligence. He has published in high ranked international journals such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Research, Information Fusion or Neurocomputing (all indexed in the JCR). He currently has three periods of 6 years on research work (sexenios) recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. He is associate editor of the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools - Architectures, Languages, Algorithms (indexed in the JCR). He has also been a reviewer for journals such as Pattern Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. He is currently coordinator of of the research group "Advanced Data MIning Research And Business intelligence / Bioinformatics / Big data LEarning" with acronym ADMIRABLE [], whose creation he led and which was recognized by the University of Burgos on February 17, 2009. He was also the coordinator of the Consolidated Research Unit 170 (UIC-170) from July 21, 2015 to June 1, 2018, for whose creation it was also responsible. He has been the principal investigator (PI) in two regional and two national research projects. He has been the PI within the UBU in an INNPACTO project with a cluster of companies and technology centers, and in an article 83 with Grupo Antolín. He also has participated in three other national research projects collaborating with the Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics Research Group of the University of Córdoba and in an international one in collaboration with the University of Bangor, UK. He has also participated in two other European projects at the University of Burgos. The total amount of all these projects is about two million euros. He has been director of the Computer Language and Systems area for two courses, Academic Secretary of the Department of Civil Engineering from October 2008 to June 2012, coordinator of the doctoral programs: “Engineering Research” (courses 2009/2010 to 2012/2013) and “Industrial Technologies and Civil Engineering” (since July 2015). He is currently a member of the Board of Teaching and Research Staff, the School Board of the Higher Polytechnic School, the Senate and the Governing Council of the University of Burgos. He has been supervisor of 7 PhDs and is currently supervising 2 PhD candidates. He has published 42 papers in journals indexed in the JCR, of which 26 are from the first quartile. According to Google Scholar, his h-index is 25.