Publications (230) ENEKO IRIARTE AVILES publications


  1. Agrarian Archaeologies in the Basque Country: Long-term Agrarian landscapes and practices in a social context

    People and Agrarian Landscapes: An Archaeology of Postclassical Local Societies in the Western Mediterranean (Archaeopress), pp. 158-195

  2. Albitization evidences of Mesozoic carbonates: petrological study of authigenic albites in the northwest of the BortziriakCinco Villas Massif, eastern Basque-Cantabrian Basin

    Geogaceta, Núm. 74, pp. 31-34

  3. Caracterización bioestratigráfica mediante foraminíferos planctónicos de los términos basales del Flysch Calcáreo (Cretácico Superior) entre Andoain e Irun (Pirineos occidentales)

    Munibe Ciencias Naturales. Natur zientziak, Núm. 71, pp. 7-21

  4. Early Neolithic human remains from Galería del Sílex in Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain

    Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 315

  5. Evidence of a Cenomanian shallow-marine carbonate platform in the northwestern margin of the Bortziriak-Cinco Villas massif, eastern Basque-Cantabrian Basin

    Geogaceta, Núm. 74, pp. 19-22

  6. New insights into the climate of northern Iberia during the Younger Dryas and Holocene: The Mendukilo multi-speleothem record

    Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 305

  7. Northwest African Neolithic initiated by migrants from Iberia and Levant

    Nature, Vol. 618, Núm. 7965, pp. 550-556

  8. Record of the last interglacial sea level highstand based on new coastal deposits in the Cantabrian margin (Northern Iberian Peninsula)

    Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 266

  9. Socio-ecological impact of monogenetic volcanism in the La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (NE Iberia)

    Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, Núm. 1

  10. Tracing the legacies of anthropogenic landscape transformation in the Iberian atlantic margin: Historical and geoarchaeological investigations in the Bidasoa estuary (Basque Country)

    Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 257

  11. What is a village? Agroscapes, collective action and medieval villages in northern Iberia

    Antiquity, Vol. 97, Núm. 395, pp. 1279-1295

  12. Youngest Iberian Holocene volcanic eruptions and paleoenvironmental evolution of a barrier-paleolake in the Garrotxa Volcanic Field (NE Spain)

    Holocene, Vol. 33, Núm. 8, pp. 939-959


  1. Arqueología en el yacimiento de Irulegi (Valle de Aranguren) 2022

    Trabajos de arqueología Navarra, Núm. 34, pp. 91-98