Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Publications (44) ROBERTO MUELAS LOBATO publications
Context-Tailored or User-Tailored: Which Approach Is Better for Violent Extremism Prevention Programs?
Crime and Delinquency
Social Alienation as a Bridge Between Unemployment and Support for Political Violence
Peace and Conflict
When and How Information About Economic Inequality Affects Attitudes Towards Redistribution
Social Justice Research
Disconnected Out of Passion: Relationship Between Social Alienation and Obsessive Passion
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 38, Núm. 1-2, pp. NP1950-NP1969
Disonancia cognitiva
Diccionario Posverdad (Comares), pp. 52
Efectos de la posverdad desde la perspectiva de la identidad social
El reto de la posverdad (Sindéresis), pp. 195-206
Favoritismo endogrupal
Diccionario Posverdad (Comares), pp. 80
How do people understand the causes of poverty and wealth? A revised structural dimensionality of the attributions about poverty and wealth scales
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Vol. 31, Núm. 1, pp. 81-100
Impact of Psychological and Structural Factors on Radicalization Processes: A Multilevel Analysis From the 3N Model
Psychology of Violence, Vol. 13, Núm. 6, pp. 479-487
Inoculación psicológica
Diccionario Posverdad (Comares), pp. 98
Review of Cap (2022): The Discourse of Conflict and Crisis: Poland’s Political Rhetoric in the European Perspective
Pragmatics and Society
Understanding radicalisation, extremism, and resilience: An integrative approach to existing knowledge
Vulnerability and Resilience to Violent Extremism: An Actor-Centric Approach (Taylor and Francis), pp. 7-30
Vislumbrando la psicología del terrorismo: un análisis psicosocial de la radicalización
Ejemplos de método en investigaciones sociales. Aplicaciones en psicología organizacional y del trabajo y en psicología social. Volumen II. (Universidad del Valle), pp. 361-376
Adaptation, validity, and reliability of the Interaction with Disabled Persons Scale in Spanish population
Disability and Rehabilitation, Vol. 44, Núm. 23, pp. 7290-7296
Analysis of the radicalization of the 17-A terrorist cell: an empirical approach using the 3N model
International Journal of Social Psychology, Revista de Psicología Social, Vol. 37, Núm. 3, pp. 529-553
Attitudes towards terrorist rehabilitation programs: psychological mediating and moderating mechanisms
Psychology, Crime and Law
Desradicalización y desvinculación: aspectos formales y teóricos
RESI: Revista de estudios en seguridad internacional, Vol. 8, Núm. 1, pp. 191-210
Development and Validation of SERR Scale for Detecting Extremism and Religious Radicalism
Psicothema, Vol. 34, Núm. 4, pp. 593-602
Evidence of Psychological Manipulation in the Process of Violent Radicalization: An Investigation of the 17-A Cell
Frontiers in Psychiatry, Vol. 13
La encrucijada entre la radicalización y la desradicalización: teorías, herramientas y aspectos aplicados
Los Libros de la Catarata