Tutoría académica desde la perspectiva del alumnado de nueva incorporaciónSentido de su virtualización

  1. Abel Merino Orozco
  2. Ana Arraiz Pérez
  3. Fernando Sabirón Sierra
  4. Alfredo Berbegal Vázquez
Orientación y calidad educativa universitarias
  1. Pedro Allueva Torres (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Zaragoza

ISBN: 978-84-16723-62-1

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 593-604

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Orientación Universitaria (CIOU) (2018. 1. Zaragoza)

Type: Conference paper


Academic tutoring is an object of classic interest in the academic process of the university student. The new training spaces in higher education invite to get rid of tutoring practices in the teaching of knowledge related to the subjects to privilege a formative tutoring for the student’s career. The university academic tutoring, especially in new students of degree in primary education, for its future transfer to its objectives, emerges as the backbone in the construction of its professional projection in its sense of holistic training and motivation towards its goals. This study delves into the perspective of students to facilitate the virtualization of academic tutoring that takes into consideration their needs, their daily life and incorporates good teaching practices. A qualitative evaluative research study design is developed, that uses as methodological strategies: interviews with students of degree in primary education and the analysis of the narrative content of virtual contributions. The study involved 220 new students in the university degree in primary education. The results show the need to consider the virtual spaces to attend the daily life of the new students in primary education. The virtualization of tutoring is useful to develop instrumental questions of the subjects and curricula; In addition, it favours the understanding of their own competence assessment and the construction of a dynamic and flexible professional project. The interest for the virtualization of academic tutoring responds to a solidarity with the daily life of the personal, academic and professional life of the students. The most useful virtual tools are those that allow students to follow the course instrumentally, while face-to-face tutoring continues to be more recognized by the student for the development of complex skills and the construction of a professional academic project.