Aportes para cambiar el papel de las artes en la educación integradaanálisis, reflexiones y propuestas didácticas

  1. Sanz Camarero, Raquel
Dirixida por:
  1. Ileana María Greca Dufranc Director
  2. Jairo Ortiz Revilla Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Burgos

Ano de defensa: 2023

  1. Ángel Alsina Pastells Presidente/a
  2. María Pilar Alonso Abad Secretaria
  3. Mónica Baptista Vogal
  4. Delfín Ortega Sánchez Vogal
  5. José Luis Aróstegui Plaza Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The society of the 21st century demands an integrated education that transcends disciplinary boundaries. The arts allow to develop a humanizing and critical view, suggesting a more holistic way of understanding reality. Thus, arts integration should be considered as a main objective of Arts Education. However, there is no consensus on its true integration. In this doctoral thesis a state of the question of the place of the arts in integrated education is presented, their role is studied when they participate in integrated educational proposals, highlighting their instrumentalization and undervaluation, more accentuated in STEAM approach proposals, on which it is deepened. Finally, examples of didactic proposals with an authentic arts integration are provided. This thesis opens a conversation about a gap in the literature, being inspiration to change the role of the arts in integrated education.