Proyecto de Investigación
Project 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050045-COORDINADOR 5 VIR-TEACH
A Virtual Solution for a comprehensive and coordinated training for foreing language TEACHers in Europe
Duration: from 01 September 2018 to 31 August 2021
(36 months)
114,506.50 EUR
Of European scope.
Publications related to the project
Show by type2023
Current situation
Foreign language teacher education in Europe: advancing towards convergence
Foreign language teacher education in Europe
Servicio de Publicaciones e Imagen Institucional
Practicum management and enhancement through an online tool in foreign language teacher education
Social Sciences & Humanities Open
The european foreign language teacher training programme: A comprehensive proposal
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
The European Foreign Language TeacherTraining Programme
The 11th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Educational: (ICEUTE 2020)
Virtual learning environment: an optimal tool for language teacher training internship.. The vir-teach project as a case study
EDULEARN20 Proceedings
Implementation of a digital notepad for practicum in language teacher training
5th International Conference on Teacher Education, INCTE 20
La formación del profesorado de idiomas en entornos virtuales
Educación siglo XXI: propuestas y experiencias educativas
Lesson Plan: An Interactive Digital Notepad to Upgrade Foreign Language Teacher Education During Practicum
Teaching English with Technology