Study of the effect of vintage, maturity degree, and irrigation on the amino acid and biogenic amine content of a white wine from the Verdejo variety
- Ortega-Heras, M.
- Pérez-Magariño, S.
- Del-Villar-Garrachón, V.
- González-Huerta, C.
- Moro Gonzalez, L.C.
- Guadarrama Rodríguez, A.
- Villanueva Sanchez, S.
- Gallo González, R.
- Martín de la Helguera, S.
ISSN: 1097-0010, 0022-5142
Argitalpen urtea: 2014
Alea: 94
Zenbakia: 10
Orrialdeak: 2073-2082
Mota: Artikulua
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