O processo de ensino e aprendizagem no estudo do conceito de derivada por meio da integraçâo da matemática e da física para estudantes de um curso de engenharia

  1. Atefenon, Leticia Oberoffer
Supervised by:
  1. María Concesa Caballero Sahelices Director
  2. Marco Antonio Moreira Director

Defence university: Universidad de Burgos

Year of defence: 2021

  1. Jesús Ángel Meneses Villagrá Chair
  2. Ileana María Greca Dufranc Secretary
  3. José Roberto da Silva Committee member
  4. Maria Cecília Pereira Santarosa Committee member
  5. Eleni Bisognin Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 651793 DIALNET lock_openRIUBU editor


The research carried out in this thesis assumes that the teaching and learning process must be based on cognitive psychology, according to the Theory of Meaningful Learning (TML) and the Theory of Conceptual Fields (TCF). The guiding question of this investigation was: Promote the occurrence of meaningful learning of the concept of derivative through the integration between Mathematics and Physics in an Environmental and Sanitary Engineering course. With TML and TCF as theoretical references, a didactic sequence was developed to promote this meaningful learning. The research consisted of three stages: a) Stage of Diagnosis; b) Stage of Construction and Implementation of a Didactic Proposal and c) Stage of Monitoring and Evaluation of Learning.