Unidad de Investigación: UNIDAD DE INVESTIGACIÓN CONSOLIDADA 285-Enseñanza integrada y transdisciplinariedad

Programa de doctorado: Didácticas Específicas (UBU)

Programa de doctorado: Educación (UBU)

Programa de doctorado: Humanidades y Comunicación (UBU)

Área: Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales

Grupo de investigación: Didáctica de la Historia y de las Ciencias Sociales

Formó parte de estos grupos:


Web personal:

Doctor por la Universidad de Burgos con la tesis Didáctica de la Historia y construcción de la identidad cultural iberoamericana en el currículo y libros de texto de Ciencias Sociales de Educación Primaria españoles 2015. Dirigida por Dr. Juan Alfredo Jiménez Eguizábal, Dr/a. Francisco Rodríguez Lestegás.

Doctor por la Universidad de Extremadura con la tesis Retórica y predicación en el nuevo mundo palabra e imagen. Los testimonios de Fr. Diego Valadés y Guamán Poma de Ayala 2009. Dirigida por Dr/a. César Chaparro Gómez, Dr/a. Fernando Serrano Mangas, Dr/a. Manuel Mañas Núñez.

Doctor por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona con la tesis Las mujeres en la enseñanza de la historia y de las ciencias sociales estudio de caso en formación inicial de maestros y maestras de educación primaria 2017. Dirigida por Dr/a. Joan Pagès Blanch.

Delfín Ortega-Sánchez holds a Ph.D. in Didactics of History and Social Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Burgos and a Ph.D. in History from the University of Extremadura. His research interests focus on the processes of construction of cultural, social and gender identities from the educational, anthropological and ethnohistorical fields, and on education for a democratic, inclusive and committed citizenship with social problems and controversial issues. These lines of interest articulate the activity of the Recognized Research Group DHISO, directed by Dr. Ortega-Sánchez ( His research career has been recognized with his nomination as one of the Top 10 best social science researchers in the world under 40 years of age in the seventh edition of the Universal Scientific Education and Research Network - USERN Prize 2022. His nomination was proposed by an international jury composed of several Nobel laureates and the top 1% of scientists in their respective fields. He currently holds the position of Vice-Rector for Social Responsibility, Culture and Sport at the University of Burgos, with competences in activities for the promotion of equality, diversity, social inclusion and non-discrimination, and in attention to diversity and people with disabilities, and Director of the Chair of Human Rights and Democratic Culture - Auschwitz Birkenau Institute (first in the world in collaboration with the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum -Poland- and supported by the Ministry of Universities -Government of Spain-).